Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Too Many Questions Asked

Do I dare start off talking about the gruesome family reunion I just returned from? Or do I rant about my mother going around mentioning my fringe status, giving her best suggestive face to all of my relatives, then watching me get interrogated about every aspect of this fringe thing?
                So, as you can see, I’m a little roused up because of this. So being that this is a problem I had not yet encountered and now have, I am hopefully going to supply you readers (if there are any left after out little two wee long brain fart) with the advice you need to answer these questions  if the occasion were to ever happen to thee. I’ll start off with the questions I was asked on an hourly basis:
                Question #1: “So I hear you have a male friend…and you guys are close?”
                -What you are thinking: ‘What, can I not have a male friend? Why is it so hard for some people to understand that guys and girls can just be friends? I mean, we aren’t, but still…’
                -What you should say: “Yes. I have a male friend. We enjoy each-others company.”
                Question #2: “So are you guys dating or what?”
                -What you are thinking: ‘ARE WE DATING?! WHAT ARE YOU ASKING ME THESE THINGS FOR HOLY $#!% THIS IS AWKWARD!!!!!’
                -What you should say: “Nope, just friends.”
                Question #3: ‘Well, do you like them? Like, would you date them in the near future?”
                -What you are thinking: ‘Oh you lil’ $#!%. You are adamant.”
                -What you should say: “I guess we’ll see.”
NOTE: If you wish to end the conversation, just give short simple answers. This will relay to your interrogator that you do not wish to talk about such a thing.
Usually by the third question they wear out. That’s all they’ll get from you. They may ask for a name, IF your big mouthed mother did not already tell them. For now, this is about as much as I can give for advice…at least on this subject. Unfortunately, as a teenager, your parents will be all up in your business when you have male friends. In severe cases, your relatives will also. But this doesn’t just happen at home. You will always be asked if you have a boyfriend or some sort of significant person in your life, and people will always pry the details from your mind. In the world of love, there is no privacy.
                I do feel as if I owe you guys an update on my life (speaking of minding one’s own business, here we are blabbing about our love lives on the internet). I completely forgot our mission of the blog. The more I look at it, the more it seems that the idea has evolved. At first, we decided we just wanted to challenge ourselves and find a boyfriend by gradation and document our “success.”  But throughout our time, it’s become so much more. We’re going off about outer reactions from family and friends, people judging our young relationships, overcoming awkwardness, and all this other fun stuff. In this two years’ time, I personally have gone through the washing machine a time or two. I liked someone, I gave myself false hope, I cried, I got over it, life returned to normal, I met a new person, we became friends, we both developed feelings for one another, we got really close, we entered fringe…FRINGE IS THE LONGEST TERM IN RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT. I SWEAR. Though, I personally think that we both subconsciously are deciding not to date because of college and I’m moving 2,000 miles away and junk. I’m not even sure how to start with that stuff. Long distance relationships sound SOOOOOO complicated. But he’s always saying that he’ll find a way to get at me so I’ll get mad and come back from 2,000 miles away to seek my revenge (as a joke). Like, I thought he wasn’t even paying attention and junk when I was talking about my college plan, but I guess he was. So remember when I was like “I don’t really want to get all close because that’s just an anchor here and I won’t be able to leave.”? YOU GUYS. I COMPLETELY IGNORED MYSELF. ..okay so I just read over our last posts and I don’t think I ever said that, but I thinking about it! I think what changed my mind was when I was at work, back aching, tired, like 4pm, and I hear the bell ring to signal someone walking in. Without looking, and by habit now, I gave my usual “Hello, how are you?” Then I look up, and here is my human, with a coffee. They don’t even drink coffee, but they made it perfectly and I almost cried. Like, you guys. I can’t even. Coffee is my life. It was at that point that I was just like “you are the best person ever.” But inside my mind I was all ‘sjzhfjsdhf9whaefbkdcbiuvhosduhfo;sjefsdvuhaOHyywaRWABLKGASYUDTKUKDSGLISGDFKJSKDFGK!!!’
                So, as you can see, he’s making it rather hard for me to consider leaving this county for the Midwest. It makes me rather sad already. But I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. I guess we’ll see what happens when the time comes. I suppose it’s the best choice. If I wanted to avoid being a bit hurt, I’d have to just syphon off contact. Had I done that I would have missed out on so much wonderful. My reasoning now is gosh darn it, if it’s going to hurt, it better hurt like hell. The good part is that I’ll get to come back between semesters and stuff. I don’t even know if it will last. Oh well. So, that is all I have for tonight. Until next week!


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please appreciate our efforts to keep this blog clean and appropriate to the extent to two high schoolers can make it, considering the subject :)