Monday, August 26, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy: Pros and Cons of Dating in Your Senior Year

                Evening, lovelies! Apart from grieving over, quite literally, spilled milk from my cereal bowl tonight, I have had a pretty good couple of days leading up to this sit down with you :) While recovering from my family vacation and spending 2 lazy days yesterday and today being as immobile as I could so I wouldn’t have to talk to people, I came across a blog that made my internal English literary squeal. Their poetry got under my skin and planted such beautiful, contemplative thoughts. The words gave me an optimistic view on life that I hadn’t had for a while. Many things have been making me sad lately, and I really needed a spa day for my brain. This find added to the long hours of body vegetation I took to let my mind reboot and get prepared to be a youth leader again. To explain; I took an unexpected 2 week sabbatical from the job and it was a needed break. I had been becoming an absolute bore, with a flimsy package of deep thoughts. I used to be so deep when the opportunity came, and it was like my deep thoughts were a root beer, and when the bottle was open for too long, I fizzled out. I really had to step back and remember what was important, and what I had been doing with my life to keep me from being my usual Socrates self. I like helping people is the thing, and I just wasn’t doing that.
                With the attitude change I have grasped, 23 asked me to do a little anecdote on the +positive+ points of accepting a long-distance relationship, and making the commitments that accompany it. Here we go?
                This experience will tell you whether he’s the one for you or not.
How both of you follow the guidelines you’ve set collectively and how willing you are to keep the promises you gave to each other will surely present a clear answer of if you love each other or not.
                If there isn’t a better test of a relationship, wow!
                You’re not just asking your partner to “only look at you”, but to pretty much go cold turkey from physical or emotionally romantic contact with the opposite sex for however many months, until a break comes along to reunite. If both of you stay true to that, then heck why aren’t you saying I love you and getting married?( your own time of course)
                Knowing there is someone who is willing to wait for you feels pretty good :)
Living far away from each other will give you a good perspective of what you think of the relationship without having to cause a dramatic breakup to do so. Like Frank Ocean once tweeted, “Distance sometimes lets you know who’s worth keeping and who’s worth letting go”.
                Getting your life together before you let someone fully into your life isn’t as bad of a cliché as you might think. Yet, when you know he’s the one, he’s the one. How do you figure that problem out? Long distance relationship of course!
                It’s the answer to that question, among others, believe it or not! Girls, we make ourselves think we have it all together, but, we don’t right now! Getting a good education and deciding what you want to do with your life before you get all lovey dovey with your sweets will guarantee you’re making a better decision for your life, not his. It’s important that you create a lifestyle for yourself, before co-depending on someone who may or may not be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Plus, it’s way more attractive to guys when you have your own goals, and your own life.
                Lastly, as much as long-distance relationships may be tough, the moments of reuniting and giving a careful cultivation to a relationship you probably wouldn’t have given such attention to had you not been in that situation, are the best and most treasured moments a couple can experience. Take it from my aunt and uncle who lasted 4 years apart, literally mountains away, only to be married 3 years after that (what took so long?) and favoring that test in life than none at all. They told me if potential love exists between two people, it’s only to be dug up by struggle and determination.
                As much as I’d like to go on and on about fluffy love stories that turned out and how tests of love triumph, I understand it doesn’t work out the right way all the time. Separation can cause lack luster feelings and unprecedented betrayals, but, give yourself the moment to think about the fact that if that’s what came out of a distance trouble, what would come out of their hearts when something bigger happened? Wouldn’t you rather have their true character come out then than while you’re tied in deeper with them?
                                Leaving you with thought prompts too deep for this Monday evening,


                I could write forever about the negatives to dating in your senior year of high school (but not as much as 13)…really it’s simply based on if the parties involved are traveling out of state for college. I’m sure that there are plenty readers hoping to go to an out of state college, so this pessimistic, negative, “heartwarming” post goes out to those that have chosen to board the ship bound for a new land.  Dating in high school is already complicated enough (yes, 13 and I SWEAR that that is the reason to our being single these whole four years). It becomes even more complicated when you have other important tasks to focus on: the senior project; test scores; passing classes; getting into a college (cue panic attack)…really fun stuff like that. On top of that, if you ARE making the insane idea of dating an actual thing in your life, then you have to worry about finding the free time in your schedule (between work and studies and crap) to remind this person why they decided to love you. Believe me, that is a lot on one plate and it takes quite the stomach to be able to finish off the whole meal. So, if you are like me and hold no ability whatsoever to multitask, dating in your senior year of high school may not be the best idea. An again, if you are like me and told this to yourself over and over about a thousand times and STILL ignored your better mind, then you too are also going to have to one day face the music of the sad goodbye songs you listen to as you begin your five day journey down the interstates of the country. ALSO ALSO ALSO; what do you do for a long distance relationship? When in college will you find time between classes and homework, and work to Skype or anything? The most productive thing I think I could do would be to worry myself to sleep about them going off and finding someone else while I sit around and deny every male form of a species that choose to throw themselves at me...
                I’m honestly not this pessimistic. We assigned pros and cons to each other so the post doesn’t read like a broken record.
                 Clearly, the pros outweigh the cons here, so don't listen to me. If you think you hold the ability to maintain a relationship from a thousand miles away, don't stop believing. Whats meant to be will always find a way.
                Well, seeing as I have made many bad decisions that will strongly effect my emotional state, I’m just going to go get it over with and drown myself in the lemon bars I made solely for the purpose of absorbing my tears.


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