Saturday, June 30, 2012

Single & Loveable

  "Afraid of losing my chances...It’s only a little while I have my pretty youth...It’s easier...I have to, to get the experience...I want excitement...I’m going to get the satisfaction and happiness...I want...There’s nothing that could ever fulfill its place." DATING....the reasons we here to date, the reasons we give ourselves to “get out there”; Ahhh…the pressure we’re getting as teenagers! Will that area of our life ever get a break from the questioning and poking? Then on top of outside forces, we ourselves have this imbedded need for meaningful relationships. Sure that’s a born trait, but what we do with that desire, is getting so out of hand as a society. Supposedly, we’re supposed to be unrestrained in our desires. The world raises a perspective that we are born for “romantic relationships”, therefore it’s okay and sometimes a must in most ages. They say it’s never too soon to develop one (a relationship), and it’s a quick revelation. “We should go after the desire once it hits”......I have a question; do I have the same definition of dating we’re talking about here? I’m looking for ACTION, VERB LOVE within this activity if you haven’t figured that out yet :) The world says I should be looking for the quick fix to my loneliness or hole in my heart through dating, among other processes. MOST OF SOCIETY AND I DON’T GET ALONG AS YOU CAN TELL. For those of you that are not into dating right now like I am, or taking a break from it, I solute you. You are so strong; squishing the world’s lips whispering to date continually. I raise my toe to you ladies who are in the position of being single and waiting on love/a GOOD relationship. It’s hard. I know. If you’re dating someone you like, good for you! I hope its meaningful relationship that succeeds! So, don’t be saying I was subjugating taken women ;) I love them to death for surviving the first awkwardness Fe and I haven’t faced yet. Continuing, the purpose of dating doesn’t have to do with fulfilling a desire, and being single doesn’t have to do with being empty in reality. It’s so hard not to believe that though with all the teasing and advertisements. So, I don’t blame our fellow lovelies who are lost in the midst of the distortion. I actually feel so sad for them! Not annoyed or disgusted. Listen to your heart ladies. Listen to your beliefs and listen to your mothers. It’s a dog eat dog world out there; It’s a person suck the life out of the other person world. Dating isn’t for sucking! In either forms of the word!! So, without further or do, after that short-stop with inappropriateness, I go on my loveable spiel now-

  I’ve learned being single is an opportunity, not a limit. Whether you’ve been in a relationship before or not even gotten “the talk”, there’s a lot to do while being numero uno that is quite lovely! I get to plant deep roots; live to where people remember me. There is the chance to cultivate healthy relationships with people. I can freely get to know other guys and know how to associate with them (note to self though: you don't have to want to date someone to get to know them). In all, I have the time to prepare for the future relationship that comes my way with ultimate possibilities. Being single and loveable is all about growing yourself for the excitement of dating when either you’re ready, or have him suddenly come upon you so you have to connect with him. It’s like armoring yourself all while enjoying the prosperity of the freedom at hand. I think I like that philosophy more than sitting at home wondering why no ideal guys have interest in me. There are huge opportunities you have while being single and if other people say you have no purpose, like I’ve experienced, I am here to tell you they are DEAD WRONG. You worth more than a phone number or being known as the silly virgin. You have standards, sense, and time to fill.....okay that last one sounded depressing, but I mean you have time to fill with fun things you wouldn’t be able to do if you were getting’ it on with cupid. Truly finding happiness within yourself is a big step towards being the best person for that guy you always dreamed of. So, while being single, I personally plan to bathe in the freedom of flirtation, regular commitments, and just jiving with other guys. As a hint toward next week’s subject, knowing if I’m prepared or not for a relationship if a chance arises? Being happy single will clear the fog of indecision. I’ll be confident in myself to weigh out the pros and cons of that opportunity when it comes. There are truly benefits to having a loveable value of you and self-improving while single. Plus, all this “developing” and “associating” isn’t that lonely. So, take that society who thinks I’m lonely!! I don’t need a significant other to prove that I am valuable or loveable. I am not leftovers. And the same go to my readers!


Wonder how Fe’s doing? Follow her on her blog
*She usually updates every-other day. (:

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