Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Statuses as of Now

     Currently, 23 sits here drinking coffee and stuffing chocolate into her mouth while her crush is at home, snowed in, unknowing to his personal admirer pondering over how to get his attention. Although she has no classes with him, she has a goal to physically conversate with him without seeming desperate. His friends are in her classes so she sets out this year to make a good impression. This may provide a window for her to make an appearance in conversation within the bantering of that group. In her mind, she carefully plans out conversation she may one day get the chance to hold while the muted sound of acoustic classic rock emanates from her laptop.

     Currently, the ever unsure 13 is not at a consensus as to who she likes. As she's sitting on her bed eating salsa and chips as she depressingly realizes she has no candidate to choose. Her previous candidate did not respect their relationship enough to make a correct decision that would change their entire relationship earlier this week. So, no one at the current date is on the table for dating. I guess she has to first find a guy to even like :P Although her previous option is not completely off the table, she realizes he has a lot to prove before he gets back on. To put things simply, 23 is doing a lot better than her counterpart, 13.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are too cute! I am so looking forward to reading your blog!


please appreciate our efforts to keep this blog clean and appropriate to the extent to two high schoolers can make it, considering the subject :)