Sunday, May 26, 2013

Like A Fishy...

Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong. I mean, nothing is wrong, so that must mean that something is wrong, right? Like, I quit. I don’t even know how to life anymore. I can’t even begin to understand things. I have a life now and I don’t know what to do with it. I feel the same way I did when my dad showed me an iPad for the first time. I was like “Oh my gosh, this is so cool! What is it?” I just acknowledged the fact that I was witnessing first-hand something that only very fortunate people have. See how this relates to having a life?
                So, I have no good idea for a transition into throwing one’s caution to the wind, so I’ll just tell you now that that’s our topic. Also, I have no idea what I’m doing or how to do anything but I think my natural cluelessness is working to my advantage- I guess if that’s how you wish to put it- working to my advantage. Whatever.
                Alrighty, so going with the flow: easy for fish, bad for humans. As human beings we are naturally pushed to plan out a map for our future. We are raised with the impression that knowing what you want in life is a very good thing. I’ve tried it for the past seventeen years you guys, it sucks. All it does is stress you out. Now I, living embodiment of a control freak, am deciding to throw all caution to the wind and let it take me wherever it may- to be honest, it’s working very well so far. I don’t think about the day before and I don’t think about tomorrow. I think about important dates and studies of the things I need to study and junk like that, but I’ve taken to making decisions on a whim. 
                So I’ve been at work all day and before that, I drove for twelve hours straight, and we all know where this is going:
Buenos Noches
Good Night
23 OUT.

“Going with the flow”. You know ladies and gents, I’ve never really been good at that. I have always wanted to have control of at least one thing in my life. Being religious, I have always been taught to “let everything go”, “don’t let your past keep you from stepping up to the alter”, “you are a free child of God”. It was always put so flowery, like I have to hypnotize myself to not pay attention to social norms, ‘mold’ myself to being a humble, flexible person. I am very different from that. It’s never been in me to let my life go as it goes; I'm a bad example of a fishy! I think it is my decision, and God’s, what my life is for. Sure, I am pretty flexible for other people and it takes a lot for me to become frustrated or angry, but, I certainly am not into letting the world pull me wherever it wants me. I do not live without opinion or passion of what I want my life to be. Clarification though, following God or following any path is not about putting on horse blinders to everything else and ‘going for the goal’, without room for changes. It is about having a focus to come back to at the end of the day.

                Handling life "like a fishy”, to me, means understanding what’s important, and not stressing out about my 'school' not understanding those facts, or life around you seeming to squash your efforts. The concept is going with the changes that approach your life and accepting them as something to mold your life plan around. You decide what you want for your life, and do not stress whether your donut isn’t chocolate or if your coffee didn’t come on time, or worse, if your SAT score came back distraughting. It is, without a doubt, whatever happens today is not a precursor to a set plan of tomorrow. My peoples, 13 is fantastically oriented with overstressing and knows what it’s like to not have enough time to do what you want, or not get the grade you were hoping for. Take it from someone who knows life isn’t there to cater to you, but you’re there to cater the punches when life steers you wrong and it tries to screw you over. Little tidbit, none of us are virgins. Life’s already screwed us, and will continue to! And you know what, I will not stand for that. I will do something about it and take what comes. I will go with the flows of shit from the fan, with stride and patience which will benefit me in the end. I’m not saying it won’t be tough, but I know my life will be better in the end for it. And if any one of you other fishies wants to join me, please do :) You know Marlin and Dory wouldn’t have had so much fun going through that tube thing in Nemo if they weren’t together! Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful week, and you take life in big relaxing breathes, like a pregnant woman, because it’s the last few weeks of school and I don’t want any of my followers dying! We still have much to write to you  :P

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