Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ready? Ready For What?


        Are we really ready for a relationship? Is this goal of ours too simple for our specific value and definition of a dating relationship, or even a guy TO date? I can not believe we would ever forsake you guys....but it could happen. As much as Fe and I may have the dream to date someone, it is so much more lengthy and harder than we thought. I mean with our standards and already independant nature, we don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel by graduation. We see how challenging it is to find a guy. Now, how much energy do you suppose it takes to keep him too? We feel so bitter yet freed from the truth that we are not ready to do that. Our romantic endevours or, as we’ve looked back on them as and like to call them, shenanigans, need to be put to a stop. A quick break was our first intention, but once that stress rolled of our shoulders, we knew this was gonna come; the moment when we say this blog may have no parents to nurture it. Me, being the Rose that I am, view this as our baby, our special project as friends! So, don’t be goin’ thinking that this is a snooty rain check FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES, but also, don’t be thinking that this is just a fluke. Our lives are morphing and gravitating more of our attention. As we get older, we are starting to see the priorities. We originally wanted to write freely about our random encounters and hints of lovey-dubbyness and keep record of the funnyness and be in this “love search” together. Sadly, these events are wearing us down, and focusing on it is terribly ruining the joy of being “young, dumb, and in love” (Mat Kearney) We have found ourselves delving way to deep into boy-business and analyzing every little thing.
In conclusion, this is of the few last posts we shall be doing. It was a joy ride while it lasted and thanks for lasting throught the tears and laughs with us. You guys we truly awesome readers. You encouraged us and reminded us of what this project was really for till the very end of the year. Alas, we have lost touch of the tween inside us haha. It would be one thing if we truly had love to write about, but we don’t actually. It became inner arguments and analyzing of how we think love should approach us. It was tween drama magnified. Even if it was a juicy movie script, we were run down by it; run down by our great attempts of making things more than they were. It’s time for us to grow up ladies. We’re putting on our big girl britches and charging towards jobs, school, careers, passions; the real stuff. Preparation for something or someone amazing in our lives is instore, and we don’t want to miss the time. We are maturing our priority list. And this blog is head-diving to the bottom of it.

Now that you’ve gotten the picture, I still have room for a little tidbit of romantic fluff:
One of the last bits of advice to you ladies from Rose - 
To know if you’re ready for a relationship you must know yourself, your hormones, and really good girlfriends. It’s the defense for your heart. 
It’s really not over-rated to be under control bodily and emotional in a dating relationship.
If you fall over the cliff, there’s never any shame in flee’ing away from a broken relationship; it’s breaking you and them the longer you stay. 
Have knowledge in the good guys that still exist; 1 or 6 guys out of 7 billion doesn’t count as representation of the male population. 
There’s no going back in the stupid mistakes you make in a relationship; choose your reactions wisely.
Enjoy the happy times even if there’s an impending storm. You can prepare by holding onto the good times.

Fe & Rose

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please appreciate our efforts to keep this blog clean and appropriate to the extent to two high schoolers can make it, considering the subject :)