Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Fans and Followers Day!

As we have been advertising off and on for the past month, April 30th is National Fans and Followers Day. Below Fe and Rose have created a video for everyone who supports the 884 days mission. This video has been dedicated to our fans, showing the long hours that we log in trying to make this blog succesful. Thank you everyone for supporting us! Don't worry, we'll still have a new post again on Saturday. Oh, and it's another short and awsome one. ;)
Fe and Rose

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Season Passes...

Okay, so my favorite statement right now is “Getting gone is so much easier than being gone.” I chose this statement because I found a tiny bit of a rush in throwing my arms up in the air in frustration and saying “screw it” to chasing after people. But in reality, you only get one chance to leave and when that chance is taken and finished with, you have to deal with and go through with your plan. That’s the hard part- pulling through with your plan.  You have to harden your heart to everything that is thrown at it. You have to tell yourself ‘no’ and use a lot of self-discipline. It doesn’t make it any easier when your friend points out who you liked likes and you realize that you would never be that great or pretty. Oh wells. Amazingly, I’ve been doing great everywhere else. I’m having a blast with friends; specifically on Wednesday when we had an earthquake drill and the buzzers started shrieking in my ears unexpectedly. I was so freaked out by how sudden it was, it sent my arms to flailing is several different directions while I, like a bird in shock, ran into the wall. I was laughing so hard I was crying- as were my friends, who wonderfully tried in vain to calm down my pulse so I wouldn’t die. Maybe God was trying to tell me something on that snowy March day- that the decisions of my life aren’t always up to me. I mean, no duh right? I knew it in the back of my head, but because I didn’t like the way the truth works, I decided to keep on running along with my blissful fantasies and lies. But now that it’s all over, I’ve found that I’m much more proactive in my work life, my school life, and my social life. I’m excited for the ROTATE trip, not stressed. I’m glad to help my friend, who is in the same situation I was in, get the guy she likes- and it’s working. I’m not jealous, I’m happy for her. Honestly, there is no jealousy at all. Then, on my part, I now have the ability to resist all temptation to think about, look at, or even re-consider my first choice. Maybe it was the symbolism of throwing that rock in the river. Who knows? Whatever it was that happened to the chemicals in my brain, it worked; and it still is. I get to wear sweats more often without caring if I don’t look great. I’m wearing light make-up, I’ve lost 2 pounds and I’m trying to get back in shape. Life is good again. So I say, “Bring it on.” Yes, my old motto has returned.  I think for now, I’ll just go along with life and let who ever likes me, if some respectable person does, like me. Yeah, I may not always look amazing. I’m not always in the best of moods. I don’t always do my homework. I suck at geometry (not exaggerating like my one friend- where terrible is a B+), I have a D in that class. I may not always be quick to get things. I’m not the most reliable person around- I would skip out on a date to chase a storm in a second.  I will always have 13 as my bestie- how can you give up a friendship where you two talk for hours telling one another about how God has great plan for one another, then tell dirty jokes? Yes, I will go off about how much I love to travel, how much I love my research trips, how I’m more comfortable in a motel than my own bed, and how I take long drives when things go bad.  Yeah, I’m an absolute Jesus freak, a firecracker, a slacker and a dreamer. I tell jokes to fill up silence. I feel like I’m on top of the world when I finish some laundry. I love my family, I love my dog and my cats. I talk down to my parents occasionally, but we make up. I’ll tell you off if I don’t like what you are saying about my friends, family or me. I will go buck-wild on you if you disrespect me, maybe even run you over with my car. I prefer gifts from the heart instead of the store. It pisses me off when people take advantage of me, and all I want is for someone to love me and to accept me and take a chance on me. High school is no place to find someone like that. So let’s hang on for the ride and enjoy it the best we can.


Sun, tan skin, lemonade, shorts, short shorts, short short-shorts, epidermis overload, male drool, oh my asdfghjkl IT’S ALMOST SUMMER. And, almost swimsuit/lack of clothing season! What an experience every year. I don’t know what’s coming around the corner, literally, in school. I can’t keep up with these tight, loose, tight down there, skin paint, flowy, random trends! I guess I’m not much of a fashionista since I’m not following the yoga pants trend too :P Well, if anything, I’m a lazy fashionista who doesn’t feel comfortable in skin paint ;) 23 and I both have lack of obsession over clothing styles. We like what we like, and stick with it. We do like to dress up and at least match, but we’re definitely not into the whole “let’s see how many boys we can distract from the geometry lesson” game. Coolio if you have a good body, but isn’t it sexier to keep the mystery? (But oh wait, that’s what the sheer loose fitting shirts are for pshh) Legs are legs, and shoulders are shoulders, but, 23 and I do not plan to be hanging both ways out of our clothes. It’s just not us. Go on guys, imagine our curves as much as you want, but you won’t get nothin’ but a dream considering our personal standards. As much as I like getting into the game of looking good and flirting, I still have to hold on to my dignity. Let’s face it, what kind of guys do I want to attract? Maybe you’d say I have an uptight stick up where the sun don’t shine, but I want ones who don’t look for a “good time” sexually, but a “good time” conversationally and activitylly (totally made that word up). I am discouraged by the amount of jerks I’ve encountered, but my “modest is hottest” motto shall stay. I will keep my shirt up even through the wounds I received in the stomach (by the jumping bean situation). It’s that whole doubt of  being “single and loveable” starting to come down AND I WILL NOT GIVE IN. I will continue to “contain myself” (quite literally) even as I know that does not ward off all jerks in my life. It filters out 75% of the *insert pervasive language* though, and that’s worth it. I won’t let my own psychological destruction of my self-value take over my clothing choices. If anything, I want to get through this on the inside before it starts to show on the outside by bellybutton low shirts and booty shorts. Appreciation for the daily choices us girls make for our looks sometimes just don’t come our way *shakes head* I kind of want to find that guy you find in anime books that never wants his girlfriend to wear skimpy stuff or be in a situation where she would wear something sexy in view of anybody’s but his eyes; who values her modesty more than most qualities. Alas, that is only in the Japanese books as far as I’ve found. Wouldn’t that be great to get a random comment from a dude, that he appreciated the way you dress; that the whole modest look you were sporting was cool?! Lazy as I am, I’ll continue to dress modestly even if I don’t get those “beautiful” compliments. Fe and I have a clue to what to put on the hook for the specific fish we want, so we’ll utilize it. We already yell “Mariana's Trench!!!” when life upstairs starts to say hello so it shouldn’t be too hard to keep it up....right? Maybe it’ll be easier for 23, since she’s better off in the personal looks evaluation than me, then again, we’re our worst critics! See? Who wants our inner turmoil and outside tribulations? Prayers and lucky stars are welcome this week ladies! Hopefully this girl will get her “love thy self” attitude into gear pretty soon, cuz she’s not feeling the energy :/

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Love and Other Disasters

As our wonderful readers from across the globe (yes, it is official now) may have read in last week’s post, us two ladies beat our brains out trying to figure something out about love. No, it is not always easy to force wisdom. Our post beautifulness usually comes to us in the night, disrupting our sleep when we need it for the next day. However, we are grateful for such things because if it was not for these tiny mental earthquakes of understanding, 23 probably would have not come up with a summary on taking chances on people- something that hit 13’s situation with “Baby Face,” as we call him, dead center. 23 could tell this because of the many profanities (in a good way) that flew out of Rose’s mouth when she showed 13’s the draft.

Love isn’t always a lightning bolt. Maybe sometimes it’s just a choice. When we meet these people that we think we like, we don’t know if they’re the love of our lives, but we decide to give them the chance to be. You know, maybe true love is a decision- a decision to take a chance on somebody, to give to somebody without worrying if they’re going to give anything back, or if they’re going to hurt you, or if they really are the one. Maybe love isn’t something that happens to you. Maybe it’s something that you have to choose. How do we achieve this? We start by putting all our fantasies of true love where they belong. Go on; write your fantasies about what true love is on a piece of paper and light a match under it. Let’s get this straight people; True love is a process, not an event. And however it turns out, if it turns out, it’s all really in our hands. Picture it this way: Love is like a tree. The way that love REALLY is, is the wood beneath all the bark. The bark in this case, wraps around the tree, encasing it and such, like our fantasies of what we perceive love to be. It just takes one forest fire, or truth, wisdom, an eye-opener, to burn away the bark so we can finally see what really lies beneath it all. When it comes to our misperceptions, we can be really self-absorbed when someone tries to tell us different from what we think we know. We get so caught up in our own heads that we miss out on getting to know people worth knowing when we should be getting to know them! These disasters happen when we build a person’s personality up in our heads. We tend to not want to confront reality because we fear that reality won’t live up to fantasy. We build up fantasies because the truth is way too complicated an unsatisfying and hard to believe. But hey, what’s there to do? After all, love loves to love love.  Seriously people, love’s not going to hand you a frickin’ invitation out of the blue one day; you have to ask for one.

Checking in with 13...
Baby Face...
A week later, I sit here in the sun shining from my window, with a candle smellerizing my room with “Angel’s Wings” scent. It’s okay now. I have figured out where I stand. Yes, Jesus is still my boyfriend. “Baby-face” or previously known as “Axe”, is the one i shall try to get to know over time. Egg Mcmuffin’, a new guy to the mix, seems like a great friendship to develop. And I think Jumping Bean will stop being the leach to my energy. I am finished, and now I shall begin. I believe love is a decision, and I make the decision to give people and situations a chance, but not my heart. I’ve learned so much over this time. I know things about relationships I didn’t even know could relate to love. I’m not a genius, but I did manage to come out still held together. Now, I’m going to enjoy life. Even if Jumping Bean is somehow in my life saying he forgives me, but yet still points out that it was all my fault, I won’t worry about it. Plus, I’ll tell him to shut up. Paradise is where I’ll be at if you need me boys. I’ll be spending time with my heavenly friend in the sky, and taking every bit of the moment to heal from what I have dealt with, with maybe along with a virgin margarita to feel womanly powerful. I am happy with my relationship status, and every part of how I am a loveable person. I am single and loveable. Just don’t think I’m that easy to catch! ;) Bye bye old drama, hello new, “handable” drama stress that I am armed for. Wish me luck ladies.
Jumping Bean...
It hurts.... I guess it’s what i wanted. Let’s start our life again! The rug was ripped from under me and now I have to get up and get used to the cold floor. Jumping Bean is happy, and I’m left in his butterfly poop dust. He smiles so much now, but I’m suddenly weighted. “That’s okay though”, I say to myself. It is what I wanted; the pain in both of us to go away. It has in him, so I am happy FOR him. He will go out there in the world, and look at it from new eyes; more positive and wise. He has certainly grown from this. I have too, but the fact that I can never talk like we used to or communicate easily is like a leach. It is named “miss”. I miss him like crazy and it made me cry to realize he has moved on and let go, and it made me sob when I was lead to believe that he had moved so far he was interested in someone. I have not let go and my heart aches. This is hypocritical; I told him the boundaries and how he had to move on. Guess who’s still thinking about the other!! Irony! I’ll never tell him how much I hurt from the cut of an outlet. We could talk about any and everything. No matter how much I know he lied, he kept the greatest understanding of me. Time to forget it though. Sitting here with prickly eyes does no good. I got to buck up, and realize the person ready to give me a hug and listen to everything. Jesus will be my barf bag for words and deep conversations. Sounds weird, but Jesus shall be my boyfriend till someone comes along who can fit that slot slightly as good as Him. It won’t be a physical person anymore. Although tiredly, I remember the sweetness of compassion a guy gave me, the best one is waiting for me to look to Him. And He’ll always be there and never lie.

So 13 and 23 shall continue to search for their chance at love with coffee and cookie dough in hand. Add God to that mix up and they’re optimism shall be virtually unstoppable.
P.S. We love meeting our readers. If you happen to see us at school, go on ahead and say hi. We love hearing what you think about the blog and how you think we can improve it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't It Make You Feel Good?


Life has its bittersweet moments, does it not? I’ve taken some radical turns to letting go of “Arizona” because obviously I fooled myself into thinking everything I thought and I feel so stupid for doing that. Seriously, I make snarky, mean comments to myself when I go back and read over our first blog posts. Gosh, I’m so sick of having to crawl after people, practically begging for their attention. Well, I’m no longer letting that happen. When I was in Phoenix, I drove along the 202 loop. When I was driving on 202 through Mesa, I seized the mental photos of him and imaginarily threw them out the car window…only because legitimately throwing pictures out the window is littering, and littering is illegal. Anyhow, I then took all my mental love notes and threw those out the window. Along with that, when I got back to the hotel I took my gold locket with the word “Love” written in it and hung it on the Joshua tree over the patio. When I left Phoenix on that airplane, I thought to myself, “Wow. That felt good as ever.” THEN when I was up in the North Cascades with Rose this weekend, and we wrote the names of the guys we liked on rocks and chucked them into the river. It was a beautiful moment. It was like Love’s Nyquil.  
Who’s ready for the bitter side of the story? Good, ‘cause here it is: I wanted a fairytale ending but I got the end of lie. My head was stuck in the clouds of young love and imagination. I saw good guy and I figured, “Hey, I kind of like this person. Maybe it’s possible.” But as time went on, I got worse and worse and worse. I get it now that love is a terminal disease and it is much more miserable than a cold. It just drags on and on and on with no let up. Girls, let me tell you something. You’ll find someone you like. Not just like, but would freaking die for. Everything about them will be perfect. They will be everything you want. Well, in the light they may be dripping honey, but they’ll sting you like a bee. And when they do, it hurts like hell. But the guy won’t always be the bee. Sometimes, you yourself will be the bee. But when you encounter someone like this and find any source of doubt, back away. You don’t know where he’s been. Heed my warning and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and heartache.  Take what happened to me as an example. At that very first moment, I told myself “don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall.” We all know now that that didn’t work out very well. I wish I could undo it. But in the end, I only have myself to blame for playing all those stupid mind tricks. I stole my happy. I made me cry. I made me angry. I made me frustrated. I left my heart out at the shooting range called high school.  It was all my fault that all this heart ache happened to me. Well, now it’s my turn to be happy and free again. His memory is drowning at the bottom of a very cold river right now. I said to myself as I walked away, “If I change my mind, I’m going into that river and getting that rock back.” Well, that river is freezing cold and running high and fast. It would be dangerous to go back and get it out. So all in all, there is no turning back. Next time my friends ask me, “Hey, do you still like that guy?” I won’t say yes. I won’t say sure. I won’t say I guess so. I will say no. I will say no, I do not like him anymore. That’s what I’ll say. I was SO blind. I was so, so, so, so, so blind that’s it’s not even funny. My rose colored glasses steamed up along the trip through love and I guess I lost my way at certain points. Well, reality tore those glasses off my face and smashed them on the ground. Funny thing is, after I got a good look at the way things really were, I started to help smash those glasses into more of where he came from- and I’m NOT saying that I’m not looking for that type of guy anymore. Because that’s still the type of guy I want- but I’m tired of letting someone drag my heart around. I don’t need that kind of happy anymore. It’s the kind of sunshine that always shows up with a cloud. I hate that roller coaster type of love, where it one second you’re up and the next second your down and screaming loud as hell because you’re so scared you could pee yourself right then and there. Now those butterflies just make my stomach ache and that flutter in my chest is nothing but hurt. There was a time, when love swept me off my feet. I never thought I’d have to take reality into account. Though it’s still the sweet sort of thing to do, I’ll have a parachute next time I take such a leap. Hey, they can’t call it falling if you’re on your knees and crawling. 

As I sit here eating cake on a stick (like the ones from Starbucks, but homemade!), drinking lots and lots of water to stay healthy and letting a facial cream “illuminate” my face, I wonder sometimes why I’m doing this. I am trying my best to look good but enjoy life too. Is it supposed to be hard? Are we supposed to slave at the balance between obsessing and neglecting? And we don’t even have to focus JUST on our bodies. I absolutely hate, sometimes, my creative mind that buys an outfit that requires a lot of attention before I go to school. Call me lazy, but sometimes I could just throw on a t-shirt and forget my pants but then feel too tired to go back upstairs to get them! I am so exasperated by the illusion and standard that is set for girls that are not just inconvenient on the lazy days, but absolutely ridiculous to keep up all the time. I, personally, get very frustrated. And I know it’s not everyone’s situation; not everyone is focused on trying to live up to a visual standard, but I think we catch ourselves doing that every once in a while. I look at the others who don’t catch themselves for a long time or ever so I do get a little fired up ;) Anyways, guys always think we’re naturally flawless and our rolls have magically disappeared (those sweet things) on the day we wore a hip-hugging dress, but in reality, we pulled up those respiratory strangling spanx and created a perfect technique to adding smudgeless mascara. It’s like taking care of a frickin’ baby! I want to relax before that comes my way. And at any rate, by the time I have a baby I’ll be so focused on my child that all I’ll be able to do is make a reminder to at least add cover up. “Wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp” it probably sounds like. “She’s so complaining” you could think, but can I have a revolution?! A revolution, not just individually, but socially too, that says more than the natural look is in, but the actually PRACTICAL look. Because I don’t want to have to deal with checking my basis for getting dressed today because there’s pressure to look special or sexy for an OUTSIDE reason. That’s how a lot of girls get their false expectations and offset standards and I don’t want to be one of those. Society I tell you! It isn’t the culprit, but it’s a pretty big bowl for it. It is pretty screwed up if you ask me, looking at the teen section in that one store with those push up bikini’s for 10 YEAR OLDS!!.......Ok, so my tirade is pretty much calming down. But, I think you are latest on board with the exasperation of kids around us and even our age believing we have to look just so or we’re not attractive, right? I have one question to ask now that will maybe turn us away from this “unreachable goal” that slips through our down to earth views. Are we setting these standards for our looks out of narcissism? Is that how the unrealistic updates to our goals happen? Maybe our goals should be to be healthy, not skinny. Cared for, not perfect. Be satisfied with how we look by our eyes, not by who pays attention to us. I am tired of trying to play their game. I want to set MY life upon something that matters. There is a point to having good hygiene and paying attention to looking presentable, but, I.....don’t want to be a real eye catching cup but then the inside is dirty so you can’t pour something into it. Both religiously and relationship sounding right? (The two big R’s!). In a basic sense, I am realizing how better we all look when we’re happy. The worst thing to see is an unhappy face on a pretty girl. Or, an edited version made up by a guy friend who had just broken up with a girl; a demon in a beautiful nesting doll. Truth so blunt, right? Obsessing over what I look like at all angles like I’m trying to hide something sounds so tiring, and mixes up my priorities. Now, I won’t kiss my spanx goodbye (because they are nice to have when wearing a hip hugging dress), but I won’t keep them because I think I’m fat. I won’t down glasses of water so guys think my face looks pretty. I’ll drink it because I know I’ll feel better in the brain and I’ll have a healthy body (and won’t have to spend lots of time in the bathroom doing makeup ;) My lazy self!). That’s my opinion, and I am sticking to it. I won’t become a shallow person, and I’ll remember keeping an image up only lasts so long, so why not work on something that isn’t temporary? As I finish my cake shaped like a chick (in celebration of Easter), I raise my glass of water proclaiming a new standard; “Up with the middle finger to society, and down with the water for self-happiness!” God, Fe, and this blog will keep me accountable to that toast.tiny little pieces. But now everything is alright and I’m okay. There’s no 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

For What It's Worth (Part II)

Fe's Wisdom:
Before I get all serious and stuff, I would to tell y’all another funny and embarrassing thing that has happened to me (there is just NO end to it, is there?). So, its spring break right? Day after I get home from Phoenix, I’m driving down to El Hurache’s in Poulsbo to meet my parents for lunch. Well, I’m coming down the small hill that leads to the intersection by the high school. Now, before I started descending the hill, I thought “wouldn’t it be funny if the guy I like was going to be at that intersection?” I’m not sure why that crossed my mind, so don’t ask. Anyhoos, I get about 10 yards from the intersection and I see no one other than the guy I like walk up and hit the button to change the light so he can cross the street. Well, the light changes yellow as I’m about 5 yards from the intersection. With no time to slam my breaks on I tap them in case I do have to stop suddenly. So I go flying through the intersection just as he sets his foot on the cross walk. His face was priceless. In all honesty, the only things I thought in those 45 seconds were “Crap, that’s him (as I was coming up on the intersection.)” and “SHOOT! I almost killed him! I hope he didn’t recognize me…”
Okay, now in all seriousness…
They try us on, and hold onto us for a while- like cheap merchandise. The way we react to being treated like is acting like we came with a warranty and a receipt. They just take us back if they decide we actually don’t suite them! It’s like if they notice a hole in the shrink wrap- in reality, the fever to resist they’re beckoning to intimacy- they feel like we are spoiled. You see how the world has changed? Instead of guys, these days wishing for someone pure, they look for someone soiled because they have hope that sex will be better. Harsh, I know, but its truth. Look around people. By the time a woman reaches the age of twenty five, she has a 90% chance that she’s lost her V-card.  Let’s be honest, to most guys out there, women are expandable. They just return the one’s that they are tired of to the store and then go on to the larger stores and go window shopping again. But every now and then, that one guy comes along, who looks past all the other items in the window, and looks straight to us- the beat up, bruised, possibly permanently damaged, dull and fading figures in the window and go, “That one there. I want her. She’s been returned so many times because she refused to change for someone. She’s pure and I like that about her.” Ladies, don’t ever change for anyone. We are all aware of that fact that we quite often change ourselves in any way possible to appeal to whomever our hearts helplessly fall for. What I have discovered, as having been through this myself, that when one does so, that soul is not completely happy with itself. Just by human nature, we have a tendency to want to fulfill our self needs before fulfilling someone else’s.  So tell me- why do we change ourselves into someone we don’t like for someone else? Do we not understand that before we can truly have the ability to love someone else, we have to first learn to love ourselves? How can we expect to put our heart and soul into someone else if we first haven’t even invested 100% of our love into ourselves? Didn’t our mother’s always tell us that we have to learn to crawl before we can learn to walk? Why? Why do we change ourselves into someone that we are unfamiliar with, let alone may not even like? Is it just for the momentary admiration and attraction from this one person, whom we already know will be non-existent to our minds on the near future? Why do we do this? It’s because when our hearts fall for someone, we only care about the present. We give little to no consent to our future. It’s because- and I say this in all honestly- that our hearts are in our heads, and our heads are up our asses. And frankly, when you’re in such admiration for someone, up your ass is a beautiful place. Dark, yes, but it is the dark that leaves us to just having to imagine everything. Then imagination turns to dreaming, and dreaming turns into pretending. And pretending…pretending is where fallout begins to breathe its first, monstrous breathes. So instead of the cheap, unsatisfiable guys walking by, only wanting the shining, glimmering beacons of easy-living, we only stand out to those who are like us- damaged but pure. Listen to me girls- those of you have been cheated on; those of you who beat yourselves up with guilt for liking someone; those of you have been told that you weren’t worth the effort; those of you who have seen one thing and been told the other; those of you have had your boyfriend return you several times, just to buy you back, but then return you for good; and those of you who can’t seem to get one guy to look your way- listen when I say that we are to stay strong in who we are. That we are to remain unchanged and pure, no matter the circumstances. We hereby promise to hold out, no matter how much it hurts, for the everlasting joy of our one day true love to come along and see the diamond inside the coal. When you find a guy like this, you hold onto him like your life depended on it. Never change for the falsehoods of the cheap, drive-by, bang-bang guys, because when the time comes, we will still be our genuine, true selves. We won’t be the soiled girls that other- I’ll say it- bastards have manipulated us into.
You never kiss somebody so that, in the future, they can break your heart. Anyway, these guys we like in high school- they don’t last. They just fade. All we can do is swallow our pride, suck in our tears, and walk a little straighter. Instead of hating these guys who lead us on and drop us off, we can only hope for them to one day find the woman of their dreams. The same goes for the guys we like, that like someone else. It is upon realizing that we want the best for someone, even though we may not be the best, that we meet ourselves. But we absolutely have to register this before we are caught off guard and stuck in the dark and all we can fathom is that something strange in going on. I’ve been there and it is scary- not knowing what to do or what to think. Don’t worry everything is going to be OK.

Friday, April 6, 2012

For What It's Worth (Part I)

13's Wisom...

Girls get it from romance novels. Guys get it from swimsuit models. No wonder either side expects and why our butts hurt so much when we fall from cloud 9. Our daydreams full of sweet lullaby’s and candied clouds get crushed by these immature wet dreams of “perfect” bodies and mirages of hidden dominatrices in every girl. Do we seriously have such opposite angles that, when met, explode in front of our eyes? The explosions are so close that we do not see what the sparks were from. We find out later, but in the moment, the world is topsy turvy and there is no savior to the broken-down-in-the-bathroom girls and the irritable loud-mouth boys so tangled in their own confusion and anger they punch anything in their path. Is there no saving these little girl and little boys from the trap that almost inevitably sets off when the two come together? Mamma never taught me how to be a sweet girl. Daddy didn’t show little boys how to treat little girls. (Love, Save the Empty) Now are you scared of dating? I am! I am! Everyone knows it’s worth it by now, but, that doesn’t erase the justified pessimistic thoughts on how things MIGHT go (notice the word might). We have these expectations that are blown out of proportion so little girls (and little boys) are blown out of the water when views come together and they seem polar opposite! Keep dreaming little girl and grow wildly to be that woman you’ve always wanted to be so you can stand firm when that tearing wind of romance comes through. And little boy keep learning how to be a man, hold on tight to letting go of the insignificant things (like sex), and see how valuable that little girl is in your arms. That line of black and white gets so grey when you have sunglasses of romance on. I cannot feel enough for you who have already gone through so much heartache. I cannot warn enough how nasty romanticness can get, and I cannot highlight enough how wonderful it is in the end either to my ladies I teach at church. Loves, it’s a hard world out there :’( you have to work so much harder to be at the standard you want your hubby to be at. You attract what you are. Most of us haven’t been taught how to handle the bloody muscles we own or are being thrown at us. That’s ok, but, what are you going to do next? Your reaction and action will determine where you’ll be at; it’s not determined by where you started. No one has to be a product of their environment. For all the ladies out there sitting on the floor wondering what went wrong or why can’t things happen, don’t lose hope yet. Start your mission now to find the best guy, because, despite whatever evidence you hold in your hand that says you aren’t worth anything, you are worth EVERYTHING. It’s not that no one wants you now or forever, God’s just busy writing your true love story. (“Write faster God! Please!” -rose) and yes I got that from pinterest :P but its true. No one can see from down here what’s coming over the hill, or the mountain we call a breakup. So, it’s ok to go through that 7 grief process or whatever they call it, but, remember that life throws the best things at us sometimes at the worst times. Don’t let life catch you off guard with a good guy in the middle of your sulking or lazy-buns-couch-sitting with a gallon of ice cream. Be ready for that new horizon or else it’ll blind your eyes and you won’t be able to see the beauty! If you ever want to get anything done for your future, you got to first get off that really low on the ground couch that just sucks you in. Changing your life is like changing the channel; you got to get up and do it yourself (minus the remote, cause God hid it between the cushions so you’d move your posterior derriere off the couch and be ready for that guy!). Your life doesn’t suck forever; it changes and messily shapes into something better if you clean it. Although I know how fun and comfy it is just sit on your couch and write about how people can clean up they’re messed up life and find a guy reflecting your best self, I do have to change the channel and I will write about how I do that to you along the way. So I’m not slacking off! Getting to date a wonderful guy only comes from attracting him you know. So I figure that knight in shining armor won’t want to save the whore across the street. It’ll be the woman whose beauty is shining from the inside who can hold herself up by her own two legs, not another vertical object. It’ll catch his eye and he’ll forget about that lovely looking gal across the street. Sounds pretty harsh, but think of guys with standards.  Maybe harder to attract, but they’re just naturally more attractive and more hunkin’ of a man (don’t you want that?) Plus, if you want to sort out the bad apples, be in a tower of standards that reflect who you are. Only the jerks will go across the street because they know it’s easier, and only real knights will take the long trek up the tower (by our hair evidently). Now here’s some more analogyish stuff; “Girls are like apples...the best ones are at the top of the trees (I’m at high altitude! Woo!). The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree...” - Peter Wentz. Wooahhhh O_O That so applies to life. Thank you Pete! All in all, I think our mission within these four years is to attract an amazing guy. Might as well start at the beginning; becoming a girl that WOULD attract that sort of guy :) Thank the Lord I had this revelation before killing myself at the gym. Now I can eat cheese puffs as I read my Bible, because it’s what makes me happy.

P.S. Check back tomorrow for Part II- by 23. (: