We have the power. We have the opposition. We have control…yes; we are referring to Tolo- A dance where we, the women ask the guys- Or simply when the women ask the guys outside of Tolo. Do you think we have the guts to ask that special you-know-who to accompany us? If you said, “Yes,” then you are very wrong my friends and followers. You are very, very, very wrong. Instead of planning and using intuition and clairvoyance, we sit around and mope. “Why am I still single? What’s wrong with me? How does he not see me yet? Bleh…” Okay, so we don’t sound THAT bad- but we’re still moping.
So you seriously want to start off reading about our complaints? I didn’t think so. We shall start off with the greatness that happened to us this week.
1. 13 has learned of a surprise serenade and surprise chocolate. Bottom line: Her mister mister is crawling on his knees after her.
2. He continually was caught looking at 23. (I'm feeling seriously encouraged and happy right now.)
Yeah, that’s all there is. It wasn’t our most productive week in terms of love. But the future is bright my readers! A new semester is just about to rise like the sun on the horizon of the highway of life- and guess whose heading east? The only people we know we have classes with are our friends. 23 has 1st period with Irina and 2nd with 13. Friends in every class? Why yes, of course. “You-know-who’s” any of their classes? Dubious, uncertain and doubtful. It’s 2nd semester- half way to home, glass half empty…another 5 months? We have 5 months-136 days, 3,264 hours, 195,840 minutes. Can we accomplish a 5 month goal? Can we do this correctly without screwing it up? I guess we’ll wait and see.
So how is single life going? Well, we shall answer this question with our good friend Jessica- and yes, we all did a three way Skype session. We sat around for an hour or so and discussed single life.
v Jessica-Life is alright and too busy to focus in finding guys to like or a relationship.
v 13- She’s lonely at times, knowing she doesn’t yet have someone. However, she likes being free and leaving everything to God.
v 23- Life is a tad bit lonely, but things are looking up. It’s all a matter of reading the signs.
So what we’re seeing is that 13 already has a fish just waiting to get hooked, but she won’t cast her line. 23 has her line set and ready for the fish to bite, but all she gets are nibbles. And Jessica is so busy setting her rod and reel up that she has no time to think about the fish.
Bottom line is: The lake we’re fishing in doesn’t have enough fish. But when we get a bite, we either hook them or lose them, or they bite but we’re too hesitant and unsure of whether or not there’s a fish down on your hook, so we don’t reel it in time. It’s the hope we receive from the bites and nibbles that keep us here at Lake Lonely. We’ll wait a little longer and maybe move to a new lake…Lake Freedom, Lake Affection, Lake Independent, or Lake Love. (Yes, the conclusion was a bit cheesy. It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Why not be cheesy?)